Recent seasons have seen a true resurgence in the obsession with costume jewelry, especially one-off enamel pieces—where have you been all our lives? Colorful and large, these numbers slide right past dainty aesthetics, pointing to styles your grandmother probably rocks. Face it, true style and female bravado takes decades to develop, unless, of course, you bid on one of these baubles.
Above, clockwise from top left:
How much more boho-granny could you get than this dangling design? Take note, Sienna Miller.
Kenneth Jay who? The rhinestones on this zebra bracelet rock our world.
This lightweight bangle offers a little safari adventure even if you're trapped in the city.
Perhaps our favorite piece, and with a $9.99 starting price, why wouldn't you offer a bid?

Above, clockwise from top left:
Brighten up any dull fall outfit with this fantastically stimulating cocktail ring.
With the lure of free shipping, who could resist this rainbow-colored faux queen's treasure?
The colors and style of this bracelet make it ideal for the rocker granny and her decedents.
This gold-and-black bracelet looks expensive. Is it? What are you kidding? This is eBay.
This lolli-pop flower ring should go perfectly with that crocheted dress you found on sale at Gargyle.