Well, our dance card was full last night with trips to Barneys, where we witnessed a real pounding, and Earnest Sewn where we were attacked by bees—or what that the line at the bar?
First off, we stopped over at Barneys Co-Op to watch one of our faves (and CFDA Award Winner) Philip Crangi hawk his new edition of Giles & Brother accessories. The jeweler was doing more than showing off his wears. Anvil between his legs and hammer in his hand, Crangi personalized pieces of his collection for the well-behaved crowd at the storied store (so butch that one).

After grabbing a necklace or two, we headed down to the Meatpacking District to the A New Hive exhibition at Earnest Sewn (we have a pronounced insect obsession ourselves). As usual for any even at the denim-and-staples emporium, the front was empty and the back (where the bar and art space are located) was practically impossible to navigate (some of aren't exactly giants). After pressing our way back through editors, hangers on, and Kristen Dunst (with boy in tow), Taavo Somer, Julie Gilhart, Matt Creed, Sam Shipley, Jeff Halmos, Paul Marlow (of Loden Dager ), Alberto Moretti, Ryan Turner, Shana Tabor, and Charlotte Ronson, we finally got a peek at Derrick R. Cruz's, amazingly curated Honeycomb Hideout. We could wax (excuse us) philosophical about the dark Edwardian appointments, scientific instruments, displays, and gold leafed honeycombs, but we'll let the pictures do the talking.

We did get a few words in with Cruz himself who explained how he played queen bee to a swarm (here come those puns again) of artists. "I think the most outstanding occurrence for me was how everyone I've considered part of my personal collective of friends volunteered every bit of talent to installation in an incredibly selfless manner—no egos, no drama," he buzzed. "It was a real 'spirit of the hive' in there—work or die!" Speaking of the little critters, we asked if the designer had ever been on the wrong end of a hive's wrath. "When I was 13 or 14 I frantically ran through a field of hives during a visit to the Arecibo Radio Observatory (they talk to aliens there) and was stung repeatedly—had I been calm nothing would have happened." Ouch! But after the swelling went down, an artistic fetish was born. "It made a lasting impression on me and bees became a reoccurring obsession. While keeping the bees in the east village for over a year now I've never been stung." Knock on wood, Derrik. Knock on wood.

"A New Hive" Images by Peter Miszuk, www.superfantasticpicturetime.com.