Lil’ Wayne Has A Prison Fan Club, The Countess Is A Real Singer, And Pets Are Hurting The Real Estate Market
A female Riker's prison guard was fired for allegedly trying to sneak-a-peek at celeb-prisoner Lil' Wayne. She denies it, but her story's pretty flimsy, if you ask us. (Gothamist)
Countess LuAnn claims she's always been singing, you know, at dinner parties and stuff. (Gawker)
Real Estate agents are getting mad at building's anti-pet policies, saying it's hurting the market. One brokers says 23 of 26 potential buyers were turned away from a $6 million Fifth Avenue duplex she was listing because they owned pets. Uh, for $6 million WTF do they care who you live with? (Curbed)
Here's everything you need to know about the new Fashion Week at Lincoln Center. Fine, but we still will miss the tents. (Fashion Week Daily)
Apparently Christie Brinkley had a face-lift. The Huff Po is asking you to weigh in—rad or bad? We kinda likey how she looks either way. (Huffington Post)