We don't know whether to thank Laughing Squid for bringing this to our attention, or curse the day they were born. As you can see, one of the many talented sellers on our beloved Etsy has taken sexy too far... about three inches too far. It goes without saying that the cinched, ruched – oh, there's no better word for this – butt hole on this crack-addicted dress is completely odious. But, in our capacity as fashion critics, we have to point out that the loose, chunky cut of the piece and its heavy, dark heather-grey material somehow make the unwanted vignetting of that particular part of the human body even worse. The other offerings on LinaSpyroS' shop show an similarly unwise approach to accessories – note the g-string jewelry. At this time the dress is no longer available, meaning that the seller has either generously pulled this particular style from the market or, improbably, the piece has been sold and is currently adorning some poor shopper's body. Greece, you have been warned. (Laughing Squid)
Photo: via Laughing Squid.