Cigarette consumer and part-time former child star Lindsay Lohan has finally done what the world has been begging her to do for years – gone back to red. Not only was her Victoria Gotti 'do a bad match for her freckled skin, the continued bleaching of her scarlet tresses reminded gawkers how far she had fallen from that lovable ginger from her early films.
Perhaps bowing to public pressure, LiLo stepped out yesterday flaunting strawberry blonde locks and... well... it's not what we were hoping for. It's actually kind of a poor, washed-out approximation of her old hair color. Also, is it us or do her roots look Carrot Top orange? Sadly, even if her dye job had turned out awesome, it wouldn't have restored her to her former glory, or curtailed her rapid, pre-mature aging. It's sad she can't win for losing, but maybe she just needs to eat a lot of omega-3 oils, stop smoking, partying, and self-abusing, get some sleep, and let her lovely red locks return naturally instead of resorting to questionable dye jobs. (Amy Grindhouse)
What do you folks think? Are we being too harsh or is Lindsay breaking your hearts, too?
Photo: via Amy Grindhouse.