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Manifesting Romance? Lisa Stardust’s New Love Deck Can Help With That

Cuffing season is just around the corner, and we need as much help as possible to navigate the murky waters of love. Whether you're still on the hook-up game or you've been partnered up for years, the newest deck by astrologer and R29 horoscope writer Lisa Stardust may be exactly what you need. The Love Deck is a 70-card deck that offers insights into you and your partner's zodiac sign and how you love as well as meditations and crystal suggestions. Pull a card by yourself when the first-date jitters are getting to you, shuffle the deck with your partner to learn more about each other, or treat it like an oracle or tarot deck to find out what the universe thinks you need to hear right now — from love spells to journal prompts.
"When I wrote the deck, I was experiencing many shifts in my personal relationships," Lisa Stardust said to Refinery29. "Coincidentally, many of my clients were going through the same. So, I decided to create a love deck that focuses on self-love and ways to manifest a pure and soulful kind of love that’s healthy with others."
When it comes to unique decks, Stardust never disappoints. Earlier this year, I reviewed their first deckThe Astrology Deck — which helps you read your own birth charts and figure yourself out. Now, Stardust tackled the ever-confusing world of love (self-love included, of course), and I think they nailed it.
The deck is composed of 70 cards with eight sections: Signs in Love, Celestial Love, Love Spells, Crystals for Love, Love Chakras, Love Meditations, Love Affirmations, and Love Notes. The cards in each section describe exactly what the title says it does — Love Spells has, well, love spells, while Signs In Love breaks apart how each sign expresses and receives affection and intimacy.
There are numerous ways to use this deck. You can separate cards by section or shuffle them and pick a card to see what love affirmations, spells, journal prompts, crystals, or meditations you need. You can also simply shuffle the entire deck, mixing the sections, and see what pops up completely randomly. To further your connection with your person, you can also use the deck with them — comparing zodiac sign compatibility and how other factors in your birth chart play a role in your romance, seeing what chakras are blocked and need to be released, and finding prompts both of you can journal about.
"I want people to feel confident and great within themselves. True love starts with the relationship we have with ourselves. Once we master that, then we can bring any type of love into our lives," Stardust said. "I hope everyone learns to embrace themselves and others with this deck. All we need is love."
I had a lot of fun with this deck! It's very informative with its descriptions of the zodiac signs, how the planets and signs connect in how we love, and crystals. It's a wonderful deck if you've been struggling with self-love, intimacy with your partner, or you want to strengthen your present and future relationships.
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