Bob Dylan was oh-so-right way back when he declared that "the times they are a-changin'." Gone are the days of the nuclear family, and that whole 2.2 children thing is but a piece of history. As support for gay marriage gains even more momentum (thanks, Obama!), Little Marc Jacobs' new, too-cute-for-words tees couldn't have come at a better time. Each $35 shirt is screen-printed with "If Mom says no, ask Mom" or "If Dad says no, ask Dad" messages as a nod to LGBT families. And get this: ALL of the proceeds will be donated to the Human Rights Campaign, the largest civil rights group advocating for LGBT equality. Happy, happy Mother's Day! (That's two, for both moms).
Little Marc Jacobs, 298 West 4th Street (at Bank Street); 212-206-6644.
Photo: Courtesy Marc Jacobs