What did growing up with a model as a mother teach you about beauty?
"My mom is super beautiful and elegant, but also kind of naturally punk rock. She always had a lot of earrings pinned on the wall of her dressing room with feathers and skulls and things—very Desperately Seeking Susan — and I used to love to play with her makeup, even though she would always say
'don’t get into my makeup.' But then, my grandmother is very formal. She’s an etiquette teacher, and just impeccable. From her, I learned things like to run a white nail pencil under my nails when I’m in the tub because it keeps the tips really clean and bright. She taught me a lot about grooming, always smelling good, and taking extra time to care for yourself, even when you’re being natural. "
Surely your father has passed along some hair-care tips.…
"We have really different hairstyles: He has a lot of things sewn into his hair, little jewels and stuff, and he likes to bend his head forward and blow it with two blow-dryers, to get lots of volume in the roots, while I
like to wear mine straight and flat. But we’re always comparing face creams and masks — he has cupboards full of them."
What do you use on your skin?
"Every night I wash and tone. I use a Clarisonic on my face and all kinds of scrubs and gloves on the rest of my body, and I do masks a few times a week. I try to keep my makeup pretty simple, and I like natural-
looking lashes, so I always lightly wipe my lashes with a tissue after applying mascara to get any excess off. When I have the time, I get them dyed, because I think it looks so beautiful."
Photos: Courtesy of Elle