We love a big production, but the new Cirque du Soleil show at National Harbor is truly mind-boggling. One lucky blogger got a backstage tour of Totem, and she's sharing all her inside info — including some rather disturbing costumes. (High-Heeled Traveler)
The single-girl-in-the-city syndrome doesn't just affect Sex and the City characters — it's unfortunately all too real. (Capitol Hill Style)
In case you were camped in front of the TV, keeping a close eye on DNC happenings, you can relive Fashion's Night Out vicariously. After all, we may not have had as many fancy celebs as some other cities, but our parties were downright awesome. (Bitches Who Brunch)
It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it: Cintas, a hospitality company, is searching for the nation's best bathroom, and a popular District resto is in the running for the top throne crown. (DCist)
Fifteen of D.C.'s most fashionable turned up the glam to sit for the Washingtonian Style Setters 2012 shoot. Take a look through the slideshow to give props to your fellow D.C.'ers, and get a little wardrobe inspo. (Washingtonian)
Photos: Washingtonian, Bitches Who Brunch