Still in a tizzy over last night's Mad Men premiere? Take a look at some cool ads from the era, including a surprisingly chic spread from London Fog. (New Yorker)
You know taxi drivers have some of the best (and worst) stories around, but here's an inside look about what they talk about amongst themselves, and how they really feel when you puke in their cars. Seriously, don't puke in their cars. (Gothamist)
While we've been busy exalting the virtues of the color peach and new takes on spring florals, the New York Times has alerted us to a trend we forgot: skirts! We can't wait to see what's in next season — jeans? Handbags? Shoes? (NY Mag)
Although you probaby don't need to go squirrel hunting or fling a nest of tracker jackers anytime soon, here's some tips for taking up archery in NYC. (Animal New York)
Now you can finally dress like royalty, as one of Kate and Pippa's favorite stores, L.K. Bennett, is opening April 1st at the Time Warner center. BYOF (bring your own fascinator), obviously. (L.K. Bennett)

Photo: Via The New Yorker