Congratulations! Now that they're officially the world's most gifted athletes, 2012 Olympians will be rewarded with something special: the same digs as a 17-year-old undergrad. London's Olympic Village opened earlier this week to prepare for the 16,000 athletes, coaches, and officials it will host during the event. But from the looks of it, disappointment at the Games might come sooner than one might think.
The $1.5 billion complex, complete with shared bedrooms and communal bathrooms, is essentially a mega-dorm – plus, a few more pool tables, beanbags, and inspirational multicolored blankets (yes, those duvets say 'excellence, friendship and respect'). While the accommodations may be meager, we're more confused by the teeny-tiny beds in each room. Since single-sized mattresses are too short for most average folks, we're not sure what members of the U.S. Olympic Men's Basketball Team — many of whom are nearly seven feet tall! — plan to do. Even if toesies dangling off the bed doesn't keep the world's greatest athletes awake at night, the notably thin walls should.
There is one redeeming factor: the gigantic, 24-hour cafeteria that will fuel contenders with as much sustenance as they need to take on a triathlon, propel over hurdles, or wrestle their way to the top. Estimated to serve up to 25,000 loaves of bread throughout the duration of the Games, the massive structure will offer Caribbean, Indian, Mediterranean, and more international cuisines – plus, one familiar to all: McDonald's. With how much energy these athletes will be exerting, we bet no one will have second thoughts about Super-Sizing those fries. (MSNBC)

Photo: Courtesy of MSN