There's no if, ands, or buts about it — the West Coast is the Best Coast! But, within our treasured Golden State are two very different Cali-defining cities. L.A. and S.F. couldn't be further apart on the spectrum (Hollywood Boulevard v. Haight-Ashbury and Griffith v. Golden Gate Park are just the tip of the iceberg), so StumbleUpon pitted the City of Angels against our cooler-temped sister city, analyzing the divergences between the two distinctive cultures. The cheeky and creative infographic has us looking at Lala in a whole new light.
The data was collected by StumbleUpon users who voted a yay or a nay to various pages. After studying millions of Stumbles given the thumbs up, coupled with pulled keywords from these URLs, the site created 500 different categories. The site then chose ten pairings that might give us Angelenos the most insight into our stomping grounds yet. Or, you know, maybe just the most giggles — depending how to you look at it.
How do we fare? Well, L.A. gets Twilight, while S.F. gets The Big Lebowski in the Cult Films category (serious bummer). But hey, at least we have vodka (our city's drink of choice) to drown our misrepresented sorrows! (LA Weekly)

Photo: Via StumbleUpon