Blending vintage and brand-spankin' new may not always be such an easy task. However, Free People creative director, Doub Hanshaw, shows us how she artfully masters the mix. Grab your notepad; you'll want to take notes — and then start your hunting. (Free People)
Lawsuit alert: Lululemon is suing Calvin Klein. Can't we all just savasana and get along? (Fashionista)
We know them, we cheer for them, and mostly, yes, we kind of love them. They're the "himbos" (as in the male version of a bimbo), and we mean that in the most respectful way. Joey Tribbiani, we're lookin' at you. (Flavorwire)
Uniqlo just launched its e-commerce site, which means we'll now be shopping for all our favorite basics without a fear of vertigo from looking up at the mile-high stacks of clothes. (Fashion Indie)
This very brave DIYer may have stretched her skills just a wee bit to restore a 120-year-old church painting. The results are, well, sad — but for some reason we can't help but giggle a little bit. (Telegraph)
Photo: Via Fashion Copious