You know that distinct, lasts-a-millisecond scent of a freshly unwrapping a brand-spankin’-new Apple product? Well, if you do (and if you love it just as much as we do), get excited. A few tech obsessives are taking their Apple adoration to the next level, and bottling up an electronics-inspired fragrance. No, we are not kidding.
Air Aroma, along with a team of artists, aims to capture the smell of a freshly opened MacBook Pro. Sure, it may be a total WTF idea, but we kind of dig it (and if you ask us, it beats most ultra-girly, floral options).
To get the fragrance down pat, the team had a new MacBook Pro shipped to the lab — where they concocted a spot-on elixir of wrapping, aluminum, cardboard, and ink. We’re vying to get a whiff of this. But, wait — there’s a roadblock: the scent will not be sold in stores. Bummer, we know. It was produced as concept for an upcoming Melbourne exhibit. So, if you want to wear it — you’re going to have to cough up the dough for a plane ticket to Australia (and get creative with security barriers inside a museum, we're guessing).
But, let’s talk about what's important, here: Would you want to smell like a walking MacBook Pro? Do tell. (The Verge)

Photo: Via Apple