Gentlemen: How many times have you picked up an eight-pack of white tees only to find them filled with holes a couple days later? How many times have you bought fun, colorful pairs of socks only to lose a single, irreplaceable, unmatchable one?
We know the answer to both those questions is “way too many” and we have come prepared with a solution – Mack Weldon. As you can see by the picture, Kellan Lutz is a big fan of this one-stop e-commerce website, and we have no doubt you will be, too. (No, unfortunately, shopping this site won't score you those abs.)
Yes, the guys behind Mack Weldon are in the game to change your underwear. Founders Brian Berger and Michael Isaacman have joined forces to create an online essentials line with bomb-tastic basics currently available only on the interwebs ('cause who wants to shop for undies in public, anyways) — featuring four fundamental pieces: underwear, socks, T-shirts, and undershirts.
Available in a variety of styles – boxer briefs, trunks, undershirs, V-neck tees, striped socks and more – these staples come in classic colors that can be matched with any outfit, from an everyday cardigan and cuffed jeans to a hunting-for-your-next-meal fitted tee. We mean, clean-cut suit.
In addition to focusing its energies on the fit and functionality of its products — we've been told that “each item is engineered to promote comfort, mobility, moisture, and odor management and recovery” — Mack Weldon also emphasizes a positive customer experience. They offer volume-based price points and the option of signing up for auto-replenishment for the easiest shopping ever.
Stylish goods that stand the test of time in terms of look, quality, and ease of acquisition? Lazy guys, step to the front of the line.
Photo: Courtesy of AlisonBrodPR/Splash News