Photo by Ian Hippolyte
The question: Should men be the providers in relationships?
The hosts of Go Off, Sis have thoughts. In this special two-part series, done in partnership with Target, Chelsea Sanders (VP and cofounder of Unbothered) and Kathleen Newman-Bremang (deputy director global at Unbothered) have gathered with guest star Madame Joyce, the UK media personality behind the beloved (and gloriously chaotic) podcast Cocktails & Takeaways, to partake in the “sprinkle sprinkle” discourse.
The general consensus is this: We shouldn’t dictate the roles people choose to play in their relationships. You do you, and if that works, great. Or, in Newman-Bremang’s words: “In real life, there’s going to be this push and pull, this back and forth, and if your relationship works for you, then that’s okay. I don’t like the, ‘Women should be like this, men should be like this, and in every relationship, it should be like this.’”
But there’s also this expectation that your S.O. should step up. “I’m very masculine by nature. My mindset is, ‘If you cannot step up as a man in my life, then why are you here?” says Madame Joyce before going on to dispense truly top-tier dating advice. "Stop dating the guys you want, and start dating the guys you need."
For Sanders, it’s a matter of allowing her to exude her feminine energy. “Because I’m fiercely independent at this age, I’m often in my masculine energy. I take charge a lot. So, if I meet a partner who lets me be in my feminine, I do enjoy that…but it takes a lot to take me out of my masculine, dominant energy and be feminine,” she says. “At the same time, do I allow men to step outside of their masculine and maybe be a little pampered? Do we always have to stay in masculine/feminine energy roles?”
Hit play, below, to listen to the Go Off, Sis podcast in its entirety, which includes spicy takes on folks shamelessly shooting their shot, toxic friendships and friendship breakups, their approach to relationships (spoiler alert: Madame Joyce admits she’s a bit of a love bomber), and so much more.