We're happy to splurge on a to-die-for fancy-pants outfit. But $1,290 for a headband? You may have to count us out. How much is too much for a pair of glittery cat ears? (Nylon)
Following W magazine and Free People, Target is the latest to get pulled under the spell of Karlie Kloss. (WWD)
Former Vogue writer Joan Juliet Buck let spill about her way un-PC story she completed for the glossy about the first lady of Syria. (The Daily Beast)
Need a minute to reflect? Go ahead — shiny has never looked so chic. Resort's reflective fashion is really making us do a double take. (Style.com)
Thank you, Kickstarter, for bringing us heavily bearded face masks, zombie T-shirts, and coats that look exactly like a grizzly bear. That's what the website was created for, right? (Fashionista)

Photo: Via Nylon