Making Up With James Vincent

The Makeup Show
arrives in Chicago for the first time this June and we were lucky enough to sit down with James Vincent, the director of Artist Relations and Education for the Makeup Show. Known for visiting cities like London and NYC, the burning question is: why Chicago? “Chicago was a market that we felt needed to have a makeup show.” Vincent shared how much he appreciates the style and fashion women have here and how we truly are “The Second City.” Other than every day brands like MAC and Stila, the show will have more than 12 other brands to showcase including Hissyfit, Temptu, and Makeup For Ever. Along with these fabulous brands, the two-day event will also include many educational sessions from some of the best makeup artists in the country, including Chicago’s very own Reggie Wells and Sam Fine. As the conversation wound down, Vincent let us in on the hot look for summer: “I love bold colors for spring, simple face makeup with a bold color on the eyes or the lips is what I think we will see a lot of.” Check out the website to purchase tickets or for more details on The Makeup Show, June 12 and 13.

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