There's Hallmark. And then there are those fantastically hunk-tastic cards that lay beneath the fold. They're a little pervie but then again, who doesn't appreciate a well-oiled young man, especially when he comes bearing felicitations. After peeping the new beefcake-laden issue of VMAN, we thinks, Mr. Bruce Weber is a definite devotee and/or frequent patron of the Duane Reed greeting card aisle. In the super cheeky (yes, literally) spread, semi-nude underwear models give us ample occasions to celebrate. It's so amazingly bad (in a good way) that we can't choose a favorite, though something sticks out about "Goodbye School, Hello Real World!" Perfect for a recent grad or current subscriber to Playgirl. Because really, who needs congratulations, when you've got a nice hot plate of man steak?