“Malou” Ullerup

How would you summarize Danish fashion? ... People like to be noticed here, we're not a shy country.
Name: "Malou" Ullerup
What do you do? I work at Notabene, the most fabulous shoe store in Copenhagen!
What are you wearing? My shirt is from H&M, and my pants are from WoodWood. My shoes, are Notabene of course. And the scarf is from Gossip around the corner. My earrings are from pilgrim, and my boyfriend gave me the vest.
Does your boyfriend do a lot of shopping for you? Actually, now that I think about it, yeah.
Wow, nice boyfriend. Does he dress well too? Yeah, Danish guys are really into clothes. In the past few years especially, I think clothing and style has come to mean as much for boys as for girls. I think Denmark has some of the best-dressed boys around.
How would you summarize Danish fashion? People always make an effort. There are no sloppy days here, where people just run around in sports clothes or anything. It's about expressing your personality and looking different - people like to be noticed here, we're not a shy country.
If your style were any animal, what would it be? A fish.
—Natalia Rachlin

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