There is a certain editor at Refinery29 who gets (maybe fairly) teased about her obsession with the Mandy Coon bunny bag. And this certain editor had a little bit of a lapine-related meltdown during Coon's futuristic, leather-clad show when the bunny reappeared...this time, super-sized. So, fine, joke all you want, but it is time to celebrate the adorable, lop-eared, reptilian, leather, travel bag in all its gigantic glory.
Remember that picture of the man who bred large rabbits that circulated the Internet about three or four years ago? This bag is a textured leather rendering of that moment. While it might not be particularly practical, and the wearer might find herself struggling with errant ears getting caught on strange places, showing up to a sleepover with this bad bunny would be very cool. The rock-'n'-roll dystopia imagined by Coon included other accessories — a smart folded clutch, for one — but the rabbit once again took center stage. Expect to see it out and about soon. In the meantime, laugh it up guys. Laugh it up.
Photo: Courtesy of Nouveau PR