What Happens To Your Body When You Run A Marathon?

Photographed by Ben Ritter.
You've trained harder than you thought possible. You've found the perfect sneakers. The theme song from Chariots of Fire is more than likely playing in your head. You're running a marathon and all you can think about is the next step. But, what's actually going on in your body on your way to the finish line? Related: 17 Things To Expect When Running Your First Marathon As anyone who has ever run ever knows, running affects your whole body. This only intensifies during a marathon — the amount you sweat on your morning jog will look like nothing compared to the gallon and a half you'll sweat out over those 26.2 miles. While we're still on the numbers, you'll take about 33,000 steps over the course of the marathon. The jury's still out on how many you can get up to before losing count. Related: Your Brain Forgets The Pain Of Your First Marathon There are also a few not-so-flattering outcomes from running a marathon: For example, 50% of runners report some kind of digestive distress during the big race, from heartburn to diarrhea. Maybe some of those water stations also provide Pepto? Click through to Shape for more on the effects of running a marathon. (Shape) Related: Step-By-Step Half-Marathon Training Schedule For First-Time Runners

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