Shopping trumps traffic at Herald Square. Look for a car-free 34th Street, just the way it should be. (WWD)
The New York Post tries to split up Marc Jacobs and Lorenzo Martone. Again. (Gawker)
Co-stars Ezra Miller and Zoë Kravitz were seen locking lips over the weekend. Their babies would be out of control beautiful. (NY Daily News)
The Wall Street Journal's new "Greater New York" section doesn't seem so great. A sample article: "Rats Mob The Upper East Side." (Gothamist)
New York delis are starting to sell "Lucy's" again. You know, those illegal cigs that you can buy to feed your drunken nicotine fix without buying a pack. Sounds unsanitary. (This Is FYF)
Simon Doonan doesn't get why Americans think the French are chic. Has he been to Paris lately?! (The Cut)