When the summer hits, it seems like the weekend starts earlier and earlier. First you're clocking out on Friday at 5 p.m. on the dot, and now you're going buck wild on Thursday nights because of the age-old Summer Friday mentality. And while sipping on pints of beer or tossing back tequila shots is always a good time, it's fun to switch up your boozing style every once in a while. Enter the Scorpion Bowl, the newest cocktail to hit the menu at Michelin-starred restaurant Marc Forgione. That is, if it can even be called a cocktail — the oversized behemoth contains 11 ounces of alcohol (vodka, gin, rum...the gang's all here!), and is meant to be shared by several (strong-stomached) friends. The drink takes the tiki theme to a whole new level courtesy of hula dancers, crazy straws, and a flaming "volcano" in the center. Though this goblet of fire clocks in at $49, we figure that's a small price to pay for all that booze — cheers to the freakin' weekend, indeed.
Marc Forgione, 134 Reade Street (between Greenwich and Hudson streets); 212-941-9401.
Photo: Courtesy of Marc Forgione