Watch: A Male Marc Jacobs Model Dancing In A Dress

Unless you're Andrej Pejic (and so very few of us are), it's fairly difficult to make man parts seem dainty and comfortable under a dress. While we know Marc Jacobs does this with considerable ease, the lookalike he hired for his resort '12 preview video certainly doesn't. So, really, we're not exactly sure what it is about this man in a dress, with a champagne bottle in his mouth, vacuuming a bed, that would make us want to buy Marc's next collection. Maybe we're missing something. Does this 49 second clip make you crave those kitten heels and the green dress with the Marilyn Monroe silhouette? Check out the video below and tell us what you think about this gender-bending ad— sure, he's dancing to the beat of his own drum, but we're not sure he's on the right roll.

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