How I’m changing the game
“We’re putting forth a new vision that is a lot about real beauty, real girls, and kind of a pared-down version of what you might see in a lot of marketing for lingerie today. There’s an aspect of it that’s less voyeuristic. We really go in our way and say, ‘Okay, let’s look at the products that exist today and think about what doesn’t need to be there. We’re taking a different approach by saying that women are very sexy when they’re wearing next to nothing and when they’re the most confident in who they are and how they look, as is.”
The biggest challenge I've faced
“Managing and juggling a full-time job and starting a business on my nights and weekends. As outsiders who didn’t have experience in lingerie, we had to learn everything from scratch. It’s been a huge challenge to get fabric mills and factories to work with us. We had to find out about construction and analytics, about how a bra’s made and how to market, and what girls are looking for. There’s just so much that we had to learn.”
What I do to feel glamorous
“Now that I am going into lingerie, I’m wearing a lot of sheer clothes, gotta show off the product. Also, I'm dying my hair blonde from brunette — that's a lot of fun. Oh, and high heels. Always high heels.”