You can either buy a late-90s used Honda or the new Hermés bike—but only one will keep you dry in the rain. (The Fashion Spot)
The Chloë Sevingy for Opening Ceremony buckle boots have just hit pre-sale. Snap 'em up, because there's little chance these puppies will ever make to the shelves before being sold out. (Nitrolicious)
Fashion wünderkind Tavi visits the Rodarte sisters. We smell a sitcom. (Style Rookie)
"I saw the pictures of the Metropolitan gala evening [in New York] last week and I never saw something more ugly, all the girls have their legs out with the most terrible proportions."—the always charming Valentino (The Cut)
Crafty, crafty sales people at the Elizabeth & James sale charge more than the listed prices. Those Olsens must need cash bad. (Racked)
The trial of the century, the case of Woody Allen vs. American Apparel, doesn't even get past its first day. No fun. (NYP)
"Fashion is ze lifesavingest of all ze sciences. NOT 1 suicide bomber has ever blown zemselves up vearing Marc Jacobs. U do ze mathematischer." Oh yeah, Bruno has a Twitter account. (The Cut)
In this charming clip from Anna's 60 Minutes stint, she "kindly" describes fat people she saw in Minnesota as "little houses." But were they more like cottages or split-levels? We demand to know. (Jezebel)