Our little paradise by the bay is filled to its highly caffeinated brim with venture capitalists, code monkeys, and hard-nosed tech CEOs working day (and night) to create the next billion-dollar startup. Good thing we've got all these distractions — gourmet, boozy, and outdoorsy — to keep them all from blowing a fuse. Take Matt Galligan, CEO and cofounder of the oh-so-hot news-gathering app Circa and one of our own 30 Under 30 stars. Sure, he's leading the digital-media charge — but even an innovator like him has to reboot with some music, craft beer, and a big scoop of Bi-Rite ice cream now and again. To show us how the tech set lets off steam, he gave us a look at the videos, photos, and GIFs (yes, GIFs) on his 13-megapixel Samsung Galaxy S4. Scan down for a tour of his off-hours.
For more encounters with the Bay Area's most creative, young characters, check out this year's 30 Under 30 spectacular here.