Following Topshop's opening act is no easy feat, but Matthew Williamson's collection for H&M launched to shoppers willing to blow their unemployment checks on a piece of the kind-of-cheap prize. Come May 14th, the man responsible for all of the vibrant tartans and dresses spotted on every Williamson-loving celeb and streetwalker will not only launch a second round of womenswear for H&M, but will also be debuting a men's line. But one look at the men's pieces...and let's just say, they don't veer far from the ladies' looks. Neon pants, full-on printed suits, lime shorts, and colorful scarves aside, Matthew even threw in a studded bomber jacket for those dudes looking for something more decadent to go with their badass self. And look at the designer modeling his own tie-dye tee! Check out more pics after the jump (including two choice women's looks, like a cut-out bikini we will claw some girls to get to), and then throw in your predictions for whether the guys will be out in droves for this collection, or if tumbleweeds will roll through our beloved mass retailer come opening day...