We mean, if the scent of Drakkar Noir can make you nauseous, why couldn't a correspondingly good perfume make you eager to dig into a hearty four courses of gourmet food? Should work, right? Well, that's exactly what happened when the somewhat insane organizers of Methods and Madness — a dinner series where chefs collaborate with non-culinary artists — took a trip to the Brooklyn studio of Anne McClain, the perfumer behind MCMC Fragrances. Whereas you might have left McClain's lab thinking of far off wooded glades or, y'know, sexytimes, Methods and Madness left with a menu in mind.
On Sunday, July 29, at Jo's Restaurant, the group will roll out four courses inspired by specific MCMC scents including a duck confited with jasmine flowers, oysters in beach plum jam, and — yummy — mexcal cocktails with basil seeds and yuzu. It all sounds like it'll smell as good as it will taste. To get in on the feast — and the wines supplied by Scribe Winery — hurry on over to their Gusta page to reserve your spot. Arrive with your stomach empty and your nose clear, folks.
Photo: Courtesy Methods and Madness