This Awesome Mash-Up Of Mean Girls & Capitol Hill Just Made Our Day

It can be argued that Mean Girls is one of the best modern satires ever made (thanks, Tina Fey!). And now, in what can only be a heaven-sent blend of politics and pop culture, a clever D.C. gal — Ellie Hall, an assistant at NBC News — has created a Tumblr mash-up of movie quotes and political types doing what they do best: giving already-funny people even better material.
Dubbed "Mean Girls of Capitol Hill," it must be seen to be truly appreciated. From Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to John Boehner to Paul Ryan, all your favorite power players are here, delivering the lines made famous by the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams. Consider this your holiday hump-day moment of zen. (Crushable)

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