Sarah Romans, a psychiatrist at The University of Otago in New Zealand, followed 78 women around for months, asking them about their mood, family lives, and stress levels. By the end of the six months, Romans tried to find a connection between their moods and their cycles. She couldn’t. Instead, things like stress level and home life were much bigger predictors of someone’s mood. Romans also took a look at 47 studies that followed the moods and menstrual cycles of healthy women. Only half of them found any statistically significant link between menstruation and mood, and almost none found that moods became worse as menstruation approached and got better once it started. Also consider that in other parts of the world, the symptoms of PMS are completely different than the moodiness that we associate with that time of the month. In some Asian countries, for example, rather than feeling
irritable, women who are PMSing feel cold. In other words, your hormones probably aren’t making you nearly as unstable as your stressful life is.