What should you store your Hermès in? Why, a giant Kelly bag, of course. Click through for even more pics from London's latest luxe exhibition called "Leather Forever." (Trendland)
Behold: your invitation to the MET ball. Okay, more like some invitations — not necessarily yours, and not necessarily this year's, but beautiful nonetheless. (Vogue)
Too much. Too soon. Too creepy? Pepsi puts Michael Jackson on your soda can, and naturally, it's the King of Pop Pepsi. (PR Newswire)
Highlighter-yellow kissers, ombre toenails, lipstick mustaches, and a few other bold (and pretty baffling) beauty trends make their way over from Australia Fashion Week. (Jezebel)
Missed your '80s prom moment? Blast this video, break out the Aqua Net, and enjoy a Friday-morning flashback. (Vimeo)

Photo: Via Trendland