1. Global Warming. "But only as it affects my ability to wear J. Crew sweaters (which is greatly.) Nothing upsets me more than warm weather in October (expect warm weather in November, etc.) I'm seriously considering relocating to Winnepeg."
2. "Cheaper By The Dozen 2." "It's a G-rated family movie, but it's absolutely HILARIOUS! Now I own it on DVD. Watching it I realized that I my comic sensibility is that of a slightly effeminate fourth-grade boy."
3. High heels. "Have you ever been inside a shoe store and there's some guy on the street looking at the women's shoes in the display case with a glazed over expression? I'm that guy."
4. McDonald's new "hipster" commercials. "This obsession could also be called, Signs of the Apocalypse. (See also: presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, wild fires in Southern California, and that new HBO show about all those couples fucking each other.)"
Michael Showalter is an actor, writer, and director. His new stand-up album, Sandwiches and Cats, will be out in November.
1. Global Warming. "But only as it affects my ability to wear J. Crew sweaters (which is greatly.) Nothing upsets me more than warm weather in October (expect warm weather in November, etc.) I'm seriously considering relocating to Winnepeg."
2. High heels. "Have you ever been inside a shoe store and there's some guy on the street looking at the women's shoes in the display case with a glazed over expression? I'm that guy."

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