Michelle Bachmann’s Heels Give Her Migraines (They Give Us Migraines, Too)

Michelle Bachmann's medical history is one of the many things being called into question as she looks to run for president. The current Minnesota congresswoman claims that her intense migraine headaches won't impede her from serving as president, though she has in the past been incapacitated and hospitalized for days at a time. Bachmann has been on the defensive, claiming that, with medication, her headaches are manageable. And besides, she blames her high-heeled shoes for causing them. Though we're usually too distracted with what's coming out of her mouth to notice what's on her feet, we found a photo of her at the Time 100 Gala wearing some strappy, black prom-ish things. Well, no wonder! Along with migraines, those might cause blindness as well. (NYT)

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