Michelle Obama Visits Letterman To Teach Us How To Grow Barack-oli

Is it just us, or is the First Lady transitioning into a new career as a comedian? The always-witty Michelle Obama stopped by the Late Show with David Letterman last night to deliver the famed Top Ten List and show off her comedic chops. Her theme of choice? Gardening. Her Top Ten facts were heavy on puns and light on, well, actual facts (just the way we like 'em). Our personal favorites include, "Eggplants were originally cultivated for use as doorsteps," and "With enough care and effort, you can grow your own barack-oli."
The appearance was meant to promote her new book, American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America, but we would love to see the funny lady show up on TV a little more often. Between stand-up, writing a book, dressing like a pro, and, you know, being the First Lady, we're starting to wonder if there's anything she can't do. (CBS News)

Photo and video: Courtesy of CBS News


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