Emma Stone trades her red hair for platinum locks for her new Spidey role and ends up looking an awful lot like New Yorker Michelle Williams. Thoughts? (In Style)
Why doesn't anyone want to be the new Fashion Director at Barneys? Sarah Rutson quickly denies taking over for Julie Gilhart just as Virginia Smith removes herself from the running as well. (The Cut)
Zagat Buzz had a nutritionist estimate the number of calories in the tasting menus at some of Manhattan's top eateries. Turns out they are as much of a dietary splurge as a financial one. (Grub Street)
In other calorie counting news, New York Times writer Alaistair Macaulay defends writing that ballerina Jenifer Ringer "looked as if she'd eaten one sugar plum too many." After seeing skeletons Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in the Black Swan, we've got to say that we think you are on thin ice Mr. Macaulay. (Styleite)
The West Village is full of prudes and Chelsea is the land of the free, according to The Chair and the Maiden gallery, which is known for their naked people exhibitions (very Miami Art Basel 2010). Peep the note they left to their landlords (and their neighbors at large) after getting kicked out of their WV space. (Animal New York)