On screen, we've watched Michelle Williams grow up from Jen Lindley to Marilyn Monroe, and off screen, we've fallen in love with her as both a mother and a style icon. The roles she takes on, as well as her demure attitude indicate that something a bit dark lurks behind her batty lashes and blonde hair (or wig, as it were, for My Week With Marilyn), but we've never heard her talk about that dark spot— Heath Ledger. So excuse us for waxing poetic here, but it really touched us to hear her open up a bit for her recent GQ cover (umm, we forget how insane that body is!). Not only does she choke up when she speaks of how "astounding" he was in Brokeback Mountain, but she also tears up when answering the question about whether or not she thinks they would have ended up together. It's at once, "too sad to answer," and also one of her "favorite things to imagine." Us too. (Celebitchy)
Photos: Via GQ