Is it just us, or has there seemingly been one too many exhibit openings lately in which the art features some scribbles on a canvas or two blocks of color zig-zagging along each other (er, not that we don't appreciate a good Post-postmodern piece when we see it)? Luckily, fashion photographer Miles Aldridge's opening at the Steven Kasher Gallery tonight will be straight-up high-fashion glossy prints, encompassing 25 images from his work for Vogue, Vogue Italia, and Numéro, among others. His book, Pictures for Photographs, will also launch at the same time. The Cut has a delightful little photo preview for you, sure to jolt you out of today's dreary doldrums. Feel free to dig for deeper meaning if you feel (the ultra-slick photographs are reminiscent of some of the best Picture artists' work, on display now at the Met), as well--nothing ever is just surfaces any more, is it?May 28-June 20; Steven Kasher Gallery, 521 W. 23rd St.,second fl.; (212)-966-3978. (The Cut)