A Week In New York, NY, On A $62,000 Salary

Photo: Getty Images.
Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennials how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar.
Today: a cosmetics specialist who makes $62,000 per year. This week, she spends some of her money on ticket to see My Dad Wrote A Porno live.
Occupation: Specialist
Industry: Cosmetics
Age: 23
Location: New York, NY
Salary: $62,000
Paycheck (2x/month): $1,645.14
Monthly Expenses
Housing Costs: $1,400
Loan Payments: $0
All Other Monthly Expenses
Prescription: $2 (thank you, insurance)
MetroCard: $125 taken out pre-tax
401(k): $100 per month, and my company matches
Equinox Membership: A family member got me my membership as a graduation present!

Day One

7 a.m. — I was home in CT this weekend to see a friend perform in a play. I decide to stay over Sunday night to watch Game of Thrones and hang out with my mom, so I take the 7:09 a.m. train back to NYC before work on Monday. My mom buys my train ticket, and I pass out immediately upon taking a seat. Luckily, this train isn't crowded, and because it's not an express — I actually get a seat!
8:52 a.m. — I arrive at the office a couple of minutes early, and am craving something yummy to drink. I head to the office kitchen and make a hot chocolate, and then pour it over a giant mug of ice. I don't really like hot drinks so I always tend to ice my drinks, even if its hot chocolate.
12:15 p.m. — Work is a little crazy today as usual because it's a Monday. Most of the people I work with live overseas, so they are on a different time schedule than I am. That means on Mondays I get back to the office with an inbox full of emails to respond to. I don't have time to run out to grab lunch, so I run downstairs to the little coffee shop in our building to grab lunch. I order an iced decaf (because caffeine doesn't agree with me) soy latte and a split pea soup. $15.93
5:15 p.m. — I was feeling a little nauseous because it's that time of the month, so I leave the office early. Because I was away this past weekend, there is no food in my fridge. I stop at the grocery store on my way home. I'm craving Applegate chicken slices and string cheese. Apparently, when I'm on my period, I turn into an eight year old. I also grab a couple of other things while I'm there. $18.98
7 p.m. — Time for my call with my therapist! I have clinical anxiety so I speak to a therapist on the phone once every two weeks. She is the best, and has totally helped me get my anxiety under control. I barely even notice it anymore. I honestly think everyone should speak to a therapist. It has been invaluable for my health and growth. I was lucky to find "my person" after only trying one therapist. I know most people have to try a few different therapists before they find someone who is the right fit, but my uncle recommended this woman to me and she is fantastic. Also, my uncle graciously pays for my sessions! I cannot thank him enough.
8:15 p.m. — After my call, I quickly get ready for a first date. We met on Bumble and he seems super cute, nice, and smart. I meet him at my favorite bar because I like to know my surroundings and feel comfortable when I'm meeting someone for the first time. He was everything I expected, but there isn't much chemistry and the conversation doesn't flow easily. I haven't decided if I want to go on a second date with him yet. I have to sleep on it. $28.31
Daily Total: $63.22

Day Two

8:30 a.m. — I run out of my apartment and catch the subway to work. I stop at a coffee shop on my way and get an iced decaf soy latte. $5.29
12 p.m. — This morning has run nonstop! I run out to grab lunch from a juice store that I have a gift card to (thanks, Grandma!), and order an açai bowl.
4:20 p.m. — Feeling hungry and cranky towards the end of the workday, but luckily there is chocolate in my office kitchen. I walk over and grab a couple pieces of Nestle milk chocolate with almonds to hold me over until dinnertime. Gotta love free office snacks!
5:15 p.m. — I leave the office and am really struggling to not stop for a snack on my way home. I have dinner plans at 7, but I must have a snack at home that I can eat to hold me over. I quickly scarf down a couple bites of hummus when I get home.
6:40 p.m. — My friend gets out of work earlier than expected, so we meet a little before 7 for poke bowls. I've never had it before, but she introduces me to a place that's right near my apartment. It was delicious. I know it won't be the last time I come here. $13.07
8:15 p.m. — I stop at Duane Reade on my way home to pick up batteries for my vibrator, and also grab chocolate while I'm at it. The PMS stereotype continues. $19.14
Daily Total: $37.50

Day Three

9 a.m. — I get to the office in time for my 9:30 a.m. call! I didn't want to risk being late so I didn't stop for coffee. I've never been a big breakfast person because if I eat too early in the morning it makes me nauseous. I guess I'll have to wait for lunch time.
12 p.m. — Starved because I didn't have my morning coffee to hold me over, I decide to get a lunch with a bit more substance and protein, even though I know I should use that gift card from the juice place. I stop at a place a few blocks away from my office and get a spicy chicken quinoa bowl and a chia pudding. $16.92
3 p.m. — My coworker is pregnant and has gestational diabetes, so she's ridding her office of snacks she can no longer eat. She gives me a little pack of rice cake rollers, which are basically cylindrical shaped rice cakes and they are delicious. I may have to order a box of these snacks for my desk! Crunchy and sweet but still kind of healthy — the perfect snack.
5 p.m. — I dart out of the office with a coworker to grab a drink and catch up. It's been way too long since we have been able to talk and hang out outside of the office. We each get a margarita, slowly drink them, and then decide to go home and get some rest instead of drinking too much. $10.52
7:30 p.m. — After waiting for the Q train for quite some time, I make it home. I eat black bean chips and hummus for dinner. Not that hungry after my big lunch today.
10:30 p.m. — I'm exhausted and the one drink make me even sleepier, so I crawl into bed and pass out.
Daily Total: $27.44

Day Four

8:45 a.m. — I have a conference call at 9, so I get to the office a few minutes early to give myself time to stop for coffee. $5.29
12:30 p.m. — Okay, I HAVE to use this gift card and stop spending money when I have free money sitting in my pocket. I leisurely walk to the juice shop, because it's nice to get fresh air when you spend all day inside of an office. I order another açai bowl, perfect for hot summer days in the city!
3:15 p.m. — I hit the 3 p.m. wall hard today and am dreaming of the sushi I'm getting in T-three hours. I text my friend about dinner and we end up having an extensive food emoji and GIF conversation. He's the best.
5:15 p.m. — I couldn't sit at my desk any longer killing time, so I leave the office knowing that I will get to the restaurant early. I get there 15 minutes early, but I'd rather sit at the restaurant on my phone than at my desk on my phone!
6 p.m. — My friend arrives and we each order a drink and food! I get a lychee-tini, miso soup, a spicy salmon roll, and a spicy tuna roll. We also order shishito peppers to split. They are delicious, and it's exciting knowing that you may randomly get a super spicy one; livin' life on the edge. My friend insists on buying my dinner as a congratulations for the promotion I recently got, so I don't spend any money! Again, he's the best.
7:30 p.m. — Home! I decide to lay in bed and watch So You Think You Can Dance instead of cleaning my room. It looks like a tornado swept through here because this week has been a little crazy, but I just don't have the energy to deal with it right now. My roommates get home a couple of hours later and we watch an episode of GLOW together. After, I retreat back to my bed and pass out around 10:15.
Daily Total: $5.29

Day Five

7:45 a.m. — I wake up this morning and feel AWFUL. I'm super nauseous and my stomach is doing unkind things to my digestive system. I text my boss and tell her I can't come into work. She's great and tells me to get some rest and feel better soon. After spending some time in the bathroom, I crawl back into bed and get a couple more hours of shut eye.
10 a.m. — I set my alarm for 9:55 to make sure I'm awake to purchase tickets to My Dad Wrote A Porno live! It's the absolute best podcast, and I highly recommend it. Basically, it's a son reading the porno his dad wrote with two of his friends. Aside from the fact that the porno novel is absurd and amazing, they are all comedians — so their comments are hilarious. They are performing live in NYC, so three of my friends and I all buy tickets. I charge it on my card to get the points, and it totals $196.80, coming out at $49.20 per person. Front row balcony, hell yeah! Well worth it. $49.20
11:45 p.m. — It looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of money today. Pentatonix Christmas Special tickets went on sale, and it could be one of the last times all five of them perform together, so I have to get a ticket. I've been listening to them for years and can't miss this chance even though I know its super expensive. But our seats are amazing! $188.25
3:50 p.m. — After hours of laying in bed and feeling like death, it's time to meet my sister and another one of her bridesmaids to look for and try on bridesmaids dresses. Although I feel super gross, I'm the maid of honor and can't skip. Here's to hoping I don't reenact that scene in Bridesmaids...
6:15 p.m. — We don't end up buying dresses but there are some super cute options — and we think we know what we want! We will probably buy in a couple of weeks after a little more investigation.
7 p.m. — I'm still not feeling great, so I place an order on Seamless. I get extra food to avoid having to cook or go out. Chicken parm totally hits the spot. I start watching Younger and end up binge-watching five episodes. How did I just learn of this fantastic show? Why is Hilary Duff perfection? And how can I be her friend? (Side note: The show sometimes films on my block, so maybe that's how I'll become her friend...) $33.49
11:44 p.m. — After catching up with the roomies when they get home, I pass out.
Daily Total: $270.94

Day Six

9:30 a.m. — I'm very relieved to wake up feeling much better today. I lay in bed and watch YouTube videos for 30 minutes, then get up to shower and get ready for brunch.
11:15 p.m. — Every year for my sister's birthday, I get her a little present and take her out to a boozy brunch just for the two of us. We decide to walk to the restaurant because its only 25 minutes away and the weather outside is perfect. It's a cash-only restaurant so I stop at an ATM on the way and take out $60. I already have a $20 bill, so that should cover the brunch for both of us. We arrive and each order bottomless mimosas and an entree for only $28 each! After tax, tip, and coffee, the bill comes out to $80, exactly what I have. $80
1:30 p.m. — My sister and I tipsily wander around the Lower East Side and pop into a few cool, local stores to browse. We end up walking into The Market, where I see an amazing, black crossbody purse with a gold chain strap and and a 1920s-style embroidered woman on it. The artist comes over and says he designs everything himself, and that the drawings were inspired by ones his grandfather did in 1926. Also, the leather purse was made by a leather smith who also sells in the market. Being an artist myself, I can't help but buy it! I love supporting local artists. $72
5:30 p.m. — Now that I'm back home, I continue to watch Younger and eat my leftover chicken parm for dinner. My stomach is still acting weird, so I decide to stay in tonight and chill.
9:45 p.m. — After too many hours watching Younger and feeling gross, I retreat to my bed and go to sleep early. Because I fell asleep so early, I'm up at 3 a.m. for an hour, but then finally manage to get back to sleep.
Daily Total: $152

Day Seven

9:30 a.m. — Wake up and head back to the couch for more Younger. Isn't that what Sundays are for?
11:15 a.m. — I make myself a smoothie with a banana, almond butter, chocolate protein powder, almond milk, and ice. It kind of tastes like a chocolate banana milk shake so I'm very satisfied.
4 p.m. — Today has been super relaxing and quiet. I took a nap, hung out with my roommates, and watched a little more GLOW. We start cleaning the apartment and get ready to have people over for the Game of Thrones finale tonight! I can't wait.
6:20 p.m. — One of my roommates decides to make edamame pasta with red sauce for dinner, which is one of my favorites. The texture of the pasta is amazing, and we use tomato sauce from The Meatball Shop. What could be better?
8 p.m. — Our friends start arriving for the GoT finale! We watch a little of the VMAs before the final episode goes live at 9 p.m. The suspense is killing us!
10:30 p.m. — IT WAS EVERYTHING WE HOPED FOR. No spoilers, but this episode was freaking amazing. We hang out and talk GoT theories for about an hour. Once everyone leaves around 11:30, I brush my teeth, wash my face, and head to bed.
Daily Total: $0
Money Diaries are meant to reflect individual women's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior.
The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more money diaries, click here.
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Do you have a money diary you'd like to share? Right now, in addition to our ongoing diaries, we're looking for potential diarists along the following themes:
1. #TransWeek Diarists: In honor of Transgender Awareness Week (Nov. 14-20), we plan to showcase diaries from members of the trans and non-binary communities. Submit your week in money here.
2. Couple's Diaries: We want to take a closer look at how romantic partners who live together handle their money together — and individually. Whether you're married and live together, are unmarried and live together, or are in any combination of partnership and maintaining a joint household, we want BOTHof you to submit a Money Diary tracking your expenses for one week. We'll publish both diaries in an upcoming Money Diaries Monday story. Submit here.
3. Diarists With Disabilities: Have examples of how living with a disability impacts your life financially? Simply want to give a glimpse into your life, and how you handle your finances? We want to hear from you! Submit here.
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