A Week In San Jose, CA, On A $112,000 Salary

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennials how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar.
Today: a product manager who makes $112,000 per year. This week, she buys new books.
Occupation: Product Manager
Industry: Tech
Age: 29
Location: San Jose, CA
Salary: $112,000
Monthly Expenses
Housing Costs: $700-$800 for my share, depending on utilities.
Loan Payments: $0 due to scholarships, work study, and family help.
All Other Monthly Expenses
Health Insurance: $60
Internet: $35. I have to call and renegotiate every year.
Stock Purchase Plan: ~$300 pre-tax
Hulu: $5.99
Netflix: $7.99
MoviePass: $9.99
Gym Membership: $47.50
Cell Phone: $0, on the family plan
Retirement Plan: I don't regularly contribute to a 401(k) but my company puts in 5% at the end of the year (no matching).

Day One

9:30 a.m. — I wake up around 9 after dancing the night away. BF, friend and I stayed at a retreat center this past weekend for a New Years party. We grab some of the treats — potatoes, shakshuka, fruit salad, and a sweet orange cardamom pastry. I pass on coffee.
12:30 p.m. — We thought we were full from breakfast but end up at a brewery on the way back. I can't pass up a chance for Pliny on tap. We sign up for a table and there are a few other groups ahead of us. To pass time, we walk across the street and check out a bookstore. I start my New Years resolution of reading more books and buy The Elephant Vanishes by Murakami, and Nuclear Jellyfish, a mystery with a fun cover. $33
1:30 p.m. — My friend buys lunch for everyone since BF drove. I've been craving a tuna sandwich all weekend and finally get one, along with the aforementioned Pliny! Friend gets a sampler and BF gets a dark beer; both of them order pizza. After, we head out to finish the bulk of our drive back home.
9 p.m. — We stop by an Indian place where my boyfriend buys dinner; we split chicken biryani and naan. Half of my tuna sandwich is left over from lunch but I need groceries anyway, so we stop at Sprouts and I get a bundle of spinach, almond milk, veggie straws, potato chips, a rotisserie chicken, pecans, and a bag salad kit. I am a bit nervous about going back to work after the holidays because I know things will ramp up quickly. I am hoping the snacks can help me destress. $23
Daily Total: $56

Day Two

7:30 a.m. — First day of work after the holidays. I usually wake up at 7:30 and take a five to 10-minute shower, making it to my desk around 8:30. I have to work on a paper and submit it this week but it has been difficult to focus. I tried to work on it during holidays, but failed and now I am running out of time. I grab soda water from the café. We get free drinks (soda, coffee, and tea). None of it is fancy but it does the trick.
11 a.m. — I eat my leftover tuna sandwich (though the potato chips in it didn't keep well) along with the salad kit. Still procrastinating on the paper, I look up a mead tour that my friends want to go on. I buy a Groupon for BF and myself; the original price is $70 for two tastings and a tour. After coordinating with friends, I schedule us to go on the same date a few weekends from now. $27
3 p.m. — I beat my 3 o'clock slump eating a dark chocolate bar with cherries and almonds. My friend bought it for my birthday and I enjoying it, wishing there were more cherries.
6 p.m. — I meet a friend for dinner at a new restaurant similar to Panda Express. In the end, neither of us is impressed and I don't love the quality of the meat. We talk about holidays, boys, and future plans. When I met her a few months ago, we bonded over our mutual love of hiking. She got injured later on so we mostly meet for drinks or food now. $9.50
7:45 — I fill up my tank and purchase a car wash, passing on tri-foam and going for the mid-grade option. I have to go inside to make the purchase and end up buying mini-donuts. $44
Daily Total: $80.50

Day Three

4 a.m. — I wake up way too early and don't fall asleep again until 6. When my alarm finally goes off again at 7:30, I hit snooze until I am forced to get out of bed at 7:40. I get into the office at 9 and grab a banana and coffee before my meeting. I eat three of the mini-donuts I bought last night.
12 p.m. — Before lunch, I work on more emails, my paper, and type up notes. Lunch today consists of chicken and spinach and an Arnold Palmer from the café. I also send a friend a message to cancel our climbing date since I am too tired.
5:30 p.m. — I head home, clean the bathroom, and tiredly make a bootleg risotto using packets of parmesan and turkey burger meat after I eat a quick snack of cereal. I also make a mocktail; I love mixing different drinks together.
9 p.m. — Talk to BF on the phone and then pass out.
Daily Total: $0

Day Four

3 a.m. — I wake up because of an earthquake! BF and I chat online for a bit until I finally pass out around 5. I am a light sleeper and I have not been sleeping well this week. I wake up again at 7:30, and dial into my 8 a.m. meeting from home. Finally make it to the office by 9 for another meeting and manage to grab a banana and coffee before it starts. After that, I focus on my paper.
12:30 p.m. — Lunch is chicken and spinach again, and I'm not tired of it yet. At 2, I snack on the potato chips and veg straws I bought. I can feel the paper deadline creeping closer and am a bit stressed. That, and the lack of sleep, are not good for me.
4:50 p.m. — Meet my friend at the gym, which is primarily for climbing but also has fitness classes. I do a few routes that I haven't completed before, and leave feeling good.
8 p.m. — I meet my parents and brothers for dinner. My brother is going back to college for the spring semester and is vegetarian, so we meet at a vegan Chinese restaurant. I love all the dishes, especially the fake ham. My parents pay.
9:30 p.m. — I get home after talking to BF on the drive home. At home, I browse the internet, reading about various gums. I'm looking for a brand I heard about that has a calcium supplement. It has been phased out but is still being sold on Amazon, so I purchase a few packs. Head to bed early, exhausted. $20
Daily Total: $20

Day Five

5 a.m. — Wake up early again and can't fall back asleep this time. I am getting really tired of this. I get into work at 9 and buy a banana and coffee from the café. I snack throughout the morning on that and mini-donuts while I finish the paper.
11:45 a.m. — The same lunch as yesterday with potato chips. My company offers a snack on Friday afternoons, and today's is hot chocolate with a few toppings, including sprinkles and regular and vegan marshmallows. I grab a cup and almost die of a sugar rush.
4 p.m. — It's a friend's birthday and we meet for happy hour drinks at a bar and restaurant. I order a tofu rice bowl that ends up being incredibly spicy, and my BF texts to say he'll meet us later. We hang out for a bit and then go to another bar across the street. For some reason, I am craving mashed potatoes but they only have cauliflower. I purchase a side of that for a few bucks and order a blended piña colada with blue curaçao. My BF meets us at the second restaurant and orders beer and fries. I pay and we leave at around 10:30 because I need sleep. $30
Daily Total: $30

Day Six

10 a.m. — BF and I are doing a wine tasting trip today. We wake up and grab donuts first; the donut holes I ordered are slightly dry, but the sprinkled one is better. We get a large coffee to share that's too hot to drink. $5
11:45 a.m. — We find a place to eat lunch on Yelp and decide to try it out. We split a sandwich and BF pays.
3 p.m. — We finally make it to the first winery; the wine is amazing and BF buys a bottle of Sangiovese. I don't know that much about wine but I usually prefer whites. We go across the street next, which ends up being crazy since everyone is already drunk. They show us a long list of all the tasters they give out for free and we get excited. I get a bit buzzed and purchase honey chipotle almonds that spill all over the counter when I try to open the bag. Yep, I am drunk. BF drives us to the hot springs. $6
4:30 p.m. — We go to watch the sun set at the hot springs. They're nice but the view isn't the best since it is winter and the grape fields are barren. I also end up destroying a silver necklace wearing it in the water! BF pays and also gets us a bottle of champagne to share.
6:30 p.m. — I am craving Thai, so we find a place neither of us has tried on Yelp. I order pad Thai and BF orders mango curry. I also get us spring rolls. We had a fun day, but it's time to drive back. $40
8:30 p.m. — BF is still driving and he needs a Red Bull. I fill up the gas tank while he also buys Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. We eat a lot and contemplate getting boba, but decide we aren't craving it enough. Finally back at home, we hang out for a bit until we go to bed around 11. $35
Daily Total: $86

Day Seven

10 a.m. — After eating leftover Thai food, we go to Target to get coffee at the Starbucks inside. We want to hike today and coffee is always awesome before a hike. The park is only 20 minutes away from my house and the hike is relatively short — five miles, mostly flat.
3 p.m. — We go to the jewelry store so I can drop off my necklace to be fixed and pick up popcorn chicken and boba across the street.
5 p.m. — Head to my friend's house because she wants to show us a few new anime shows. We linger and watch anime until 8 or so. BF still needs to drive back home and he lives an hour away. After he leaves, I watch Netflix back at home and then pass out around 11.
Daily Total: $0
Money Diaries are meant to reflect individual women's experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior.
The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more money diaries, click here.
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It's one thing to look at your current salary in isolation, and quite another to understand how it has ebbed and flowed over time. We want to talk to hear about your salary trajectory over time — and in honor of Black History Month, we're keeping an eye out for women of color in February! If you've been in the workforce for at least 10 years, email
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