Your Money M.O. Profile: Ignorance Is Bliss

Everything is totally fine with you financially. At least, you think so? You throw away your credit card bills without looking at them, but you have automatic payments set up and your debit card hasn’t been declined yet. If there were a real problem, you’re sure someone from the bank would have called you.
Growing up, you never really thought about money. Maybe your parents didn’t talk about it in front of you, or it just seemed too complicated to ever truly understand. You’ve made some sporadic attempts to become in charge of your financial life, like signing up for a Money 101 webinar during your lunch hour, but you ended up skipping it — you’re scared of looking stupid, or finding out you’re actually in massive financial trouble.
Besides, you’re doing well compared to the rest of your friends. The last time you checked your credit score, it was pretty good. And you opened a 401(k) a few years back...but you can’t remember the account password. You work hard and indulge occasionally, but stay away from extravagant spending. Every year you make a resolution to get on top of your money situation, but knowing where to start is overwhelming. Coasting along seems much more preferable than facing your finances head-on.
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