Name: Meghan Leys
Occupation: Account Coordinator, Akamai ADS
Age: 23
Twitter handle: @meghanleys
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Favorite childhood hairdo: "Pigtails, all day everyday."
Secret styling weapon: "My curling iron is my best friend. I have naturally curly hair, but the curling iron gives my hair that bit of extra shape to keep me from running into cave woman territory. I use a really basic 1-inch Conair chrome iron; nothing fancy, but it gets the job done."
What do you love most about your hair?: "It's thick, so it holds really well when styling!"
What drives you nuts?: "Frizz–the bane of every curly girl's existence. This is where Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum comes in really handy for me. I've also gotta have a really solid hairspray–the Garnier Fructis Anti-Humidity spray works perfectly and is also really affordable, which is great because I use a ton."
Dream 'do?: "The beehive hair from Prada fall 2010. I LOVE that look. So cool, yet so beyond my skill set!"
What's a hair move you've always been curious about but have been afraid to try?: "Now that it's summer I've been daydreaming about going blonde, à la Rita Ora, but I keep chickening out."
If your hair had a horoscope, what would it be?: "My hair and I have to be the same sign. I'm on the Virgo/Libra cusp, so my hair would probably be classified as exacting and meticulous, but loves a good party."