Glow in the dark dresses—we're not sure where we come down on this. Obviously it's a little too raver for us. But then again, the safety applications are endless. (The Frisky)
Those Anna leaving Vogue rumors have cropped up again with no more factual basis or honest evidence than there was the last time… we think. (NYP)
For all you Marilyn Monroe fans (that includes you, LiLo), a new auction of her clothes will offer up the robe she was wearing the day she died—which is not at all creepy in any way. (NYDN)
Which notorious British druggie model who failed to attend an international photo shoot earlier this month cited 'fear of swine flu' as her reason for not getting on the plane? In fact she was bundled off for a few days of emergency detox." Hmmm. Thinking… thinking… (Gawker)
Christian Lacroix files for bankruptcy in order to stay alive. If you'd just bought a couple of $9,000 jackets, none of this would have happened. (The
The owners of the Cooper Square Hotel learn it is best not to fuck with the East Village. (Down by the Hipster)