Morning Java: Anna Up Close, Time Sharing, and Lohan Designs?

amlinks0917bThe dark femmes of Vogue France turn their backs on us while the Rainbow Brites of Teen Vogue smile for the camera. Hey, ladies. (Cup of Joe)
This is what your high heels are doing to your body. Totally worth it. (Washington Post)
London and New York Fashion Week organizers reach détente on their conflicting schedules, allowing us to move our push ours' a week back, ensuring Anna Wintour will never run to catch tennis match again. (WWD)
Huffpo uses its telephoto lens to get a dermatologist's-eye view of Wintour's skin. You play a dangerous game, friend. (Huffington Post)
Remember to share your tale of Fashion Week woe with Racked. Oh us? We had a fine time, thanks for asking? (Racked)
Lindsay Lohan wants to try her hand at fashion design, which is apparently now one of the 12 steps. Sorry. That was cheap. (NYMag)

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