Guzzle down some red-white-and-blue pop. It's your patriotic duty. (Coolhunting)
Steven Alan closes store for renovations. This is what counts as news right before vacation. (Racked)
We'd have to take a long, hard look at the professional wearer in question before we bought a pair of A.P.C.'s pre-worn pants. (Brandish)
An overheard in New York explains the connection between celebrities, drugs, and high fashion in two short sentences. (Overheard In New York)
We seem to recall telling you that bugs were the new "it" thang. (The Australian)
Meanwhile, at the United Nations: "'Untouchable' women from India participated in a fashion show while tuxedoed waiters passed platters of sushi and speeches praise the benefits of the two-pit, pour-flush toilet… In one appearance, they brought plastic bags of human excrement." Yeah, wow, right? (Inner City Press)
With changing climates—metrological, financial, cultural—is it any wonder that we're moving into a seasonless era? (JC Report)