Crowd sourcing has given birth to an "Adopt a Designer" program. Can we have Karl? Oh, he's taken. Damn. (Springwise)
Crib notes for any Jonathan Saunders pop quiz. (The Moment)
Inside the studio of the subway balloon monster maker. Marilyn would be proud. (NYMag)
What all the hippest buildings will be wearing next year. (Times UK)
Who would have ever thought that Communism came in so many colors (you know, other than red)? (Men.Style)
As Fabsugar suggests, log cabins, maple syrup, and axes may be the accessories du jour. (Fabsugar)
Given it's increasing rarity, coral may become a new green-fashion faux pas. (Honolulu Advertiser)
Do we want to buy Britney's clothes? Depends. Can the dry cleaners get out all the Slurpie stains and tears? (Love Music)
Thrill to the pointless adventures of "Hipsters in Space." (Current)