Bucky, who are you to call these subway ads annoying? Name us one person who wouldn't want to BeKANYE…okay name us two. (Animal)
Okay, maybe there really is no religious law preventing you and your tattoos from getting buried in a Jewish cemetery. Maybe B'nai Abraham Memoria Park rejected you because no one wants to spend eternity next to some schmo with "Viva Cabo" branded on their lower back—ever think of that? (NYTimes)
Amy Sacco, still behind the bar, still pulling in the A-listers, still a tad scary. (Black Book)
Miles Davis was always a hep kat, even when he went off on that whole "fusion" tip. (Kempt)
Rough week? Tilt your chair back and watch Flavia de Oliveira pose on the beach. There, all better. (NYMag)
This mowercycle is great for getting exercise and cutting the grass at the same time—that or slaughtering sidewalk-blocking tourists (you know you want to). (PSFK)
Speaking of cutting the grass, Cathy Horyn muses on Marco Zanini's ouster at Halston, emails Zanini for comment, gets none, goes out to mow the grass. Real workhorse that one. (NYTimes)