The garish fashion house logo took a nose-dive with the Dow Jones, yet there's one brand we keep seeing blasted across the style-set's middles: Moschino. The block letter belt buckle seems to have become a style blogger sensation, having worked its way into the wardrobes of our favorite internet tastemakers. Curiously enough, a Moschino logo stands for something much different from Chanel or Gucci, in that while Franco Moschino's company was chic, he was a huge advocate of social awareness and playing against the fashion system in the '80s and early '90s. Many of his colorful, surreal designs included ironic statements about cost, and his ads poked fun at the barriers of the fashion world. In a time when blogger controversy is steaming through traditional fashion media worlds, isn't it so appropriate that this belt has come to surface? Whether bloggers like it for its immediate, tough-girl chic or because they're referencing the history of the brand, who knows. But it looks good for a reason.
Above, from left:
Alexandra Spencer
, image via 4th and Bleeker; Gala Gonzalez, image via Chictopia.

Above, from left: A partygoer, image via The Cobrasnake.

Above, from left: Lady in Black, image via Fashion Wrap; The Bucket Bag, image via Anywho.dk.

Above, from left: Rumi Neely, image via Fashion Toast.

Above, from left: Val, image via Bleach Black; StephanieG, image via Chictopia.
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