These T-Shirts Claim To Predict Your Future. No, Really


The New Year, with all its promise of possibility, is the perfect time to bust out the crystal ball or get a great tarot reading. With our penchant for the divinatory arts — we may or may not live by our horoscopes — it was a given that we'd be intrigued by L.A.-based psychic, Lucinda Clare (who cites her breadth of spiritual credentials from working with numerous movie stars to um, the mafia). Clare is currently collaborating with Mother London ad agency to create Mother’s Psychic T-shirts, hoping to use the tops to predict a few futures.
You see, the Mother’s Psychic T-shirt site works kind of like a fortune cookie: customers don’t know their fortunes until they open the shipped box that arrives in from the mail. Fun, right?

The collection is composed of 100 T-shirts available for purchase on the site, priced at 100 pounds (all proceeds go to charity), and each marked with a different number spanning from 1-100, which you choose at checkout. Clare claims to be able to predict the destiny of the shirt's future wearer, partially based on the very number that speaks to them. Whether or not you believe in the validity of fortune-telling, the shirts exude a distinctly Professor Trelawney vibe, with the graphics reminiscent of a Ouija board or the neon sign of a street psychic. Though style, shape, and style are obscured by the fates, each shirt comes with a full video reading. So, are you ready to chose your own destiny? Mother knows best, after all.

Photos: Courtesy of Mother's Psychic Tees